How to Fix YouTube Playback Error [12 Tested Solutions]

fix youtube playback error infies

YouTube has grown so big in the past few years that almost everyone in the world knows about it. It gained its popularity because of the amazing music videos it had but now YouTube has become more than that. It has now become the all-in-one platform, from music to movies, from documentaries to biography, from education material to news, from sports to athletes, everything is available on YouTube. With great growth comes a few flaws, and just like any other platform, YouTube users face errors while using YouTube. This error is called “YouTube playback error”. It happens both on laptops and on mobile phones.
So, what causes this error? Well, there can be quite a few reasons behind it. It can be caused due to your browser cache, your Google account, or any app in your mobile phone that contains bugs. Now, another question that will be coming to your mind is “how to fix this error”? Lucky for you, we have provided a detailed answer with steps in this guide. You should read below and find out how you can remove this error and enjoy a seamless YouTube video streaming experience.

1. Try closing and reopening tabs

Though it sounds odd and easy but it might work for you. Close the tab and then reopen it to check if YouTube works without any error. Similarly, if you are using a mobile phone, close the app completely and then launch it from the scratch. Try to play a YouTube video.

2. Sign out Google account from YouTube

At times the synced data of your Google account encounters an error.  It is recommended to sign out the Google account from YouTube by tapping on your profile picture in the top right corner and then sign in again. This solution has worked fine for many users so try it to see if it does in your case.

3. Switch to Chrome

Just in case if you are using Safari, Opera, Edge or Firefox, try switching to Google Chrome. As YouTube and Chrome are both Google products so they work fine when integrated. Google is also alleged for breaking rival browsers so try using Chrome that may work like a charm for you.

4. Clear all Cookies, Cache and History

Unwanted junk and cache can create problems especially when watching videos. Temporary files and corrupted information in cache or cookies can cause an error by interfering with video streaming. You need to clear data including cache, cookies and history from the browser to make it work more efficiently.

5. Adjust the YouTube Video Quality

Downgrade the video quality from the current number to a lower one. Although YouTube can stream videos up to 4K resolution but not to forget that a good resolution comes with a good internet connection. The resolution is set at auto where it automatically upgrades and downgrades quality depending upon the internet speed. But if you tend to manually adjust the resolution to a higher degree despite having a poor internet speed, a playback error might show up.

6. Update YouTube Application

All this trouble might be the result of an outdated version of YouTube. This specific solution is related to the mobile phone so update the app to eliminate glitches and bugs including this one. In case if your mobile is set to auto-update, this new update might be the cause of the error. Sometimes Google publishes a version containing bugs. But as soon as they receive complaints from all across the globe, they fix it up and a new version of the app is made available. Try updating to the latest version and then play videos to see if the error has been fixed.

7. Restart the Router

A YouTube streaming video requires a stable internet connection. An unreliable connection may cause a playback error, so turn off the router for at least 10 seconds to fully drain all the capacitors. A router is no less than a computer so restarting it may get the job done. In case if you still see the playback error, try resetting the router.

8. Disconnect hardware acceleration in Flash Player

One of the most refined ways to solve the YouTube playback issue is to disable hardware acceleration in the flash player. All you need to do is right-click on the video > click on settings > uncheck enable hardware acceleration.

9. Update Router Firmware

Updating a router firmware may also eradicate this error. Check your modem model and search for the detailed instructions on the website of the router. Open the app to see a video.

10. Disable AdBlock Extension

If none of this works and you have the AdBlock Chrome extension, now you know where the problem is. Microsoft officially stated that a conflict between the AdBlock Plus extension and Microsoft Edge caused a playback error on YouTube. To solve this issue, uninstall AdBlock and such extensions that may cause a problem when streaming.

11. Change the DNS address

Some users reported that changing the DNS address has solved this problem. Changing DNS address means that you need to change Wi-Fi’s DNS address that your device is connected to. Follow these simple steps to change DNS and play error-free videos on YouTube.

Step 1: Go to the settings on your phone and tap Wi-Fi. (Make sure in advance that the phone is connected to Wi-Fi.)

Step 2: Now tap the info icon that is beside the name of connected Wi-Fi.

Step 3: Then open Configure DNS and mark check into Manual.

Step 4: Select Add Server to add a new DNS address and enter

Step 5: Now press save to complete the process.

12. Check if the Problem occurs on a Global level

If nothing works for you then maybe there is a Google server outrage. You can visit Downdetector to see if it is only you or other users are also facing the same problem. If it is a server outrage then you’ll have to wait unless they solve the issue back at their end.

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